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Report of WSSSPE5.1 and the state of sus...

A report on WSSSPE5.1 and the state of sustainable research software is now available: D. S. Katz, S. Druskat, R. Haines, C. Jay, A. Struck, “The State of Sustainable Research Software: Results from the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1),” arXiv:1807.07387 [cs.SE], 2018.

WSSSPE4 summary paper published

The summary paper for WSSSPE4 has now been published in the Journal of Open Research Software as  An extended version of the summary was also previously published on arXiv as

WSSSPE2 workshop report

The WSSSPE2 workshop report has now been submitted to the JORS special collection to be assembled of extended WSSSPE2 papers.  A pre-print is available at   Dan (on behalf of all the report authors)


The WSSSPE1 summary paper has been accepted by JORS, and will appear in a special issue of WSSSPE1 papers.  A preprint is available at WSSSPE1.1 will be at SciPy in Austin on July 10 – see for details WSSSPE2 will be at SC14 in New Orleans on November 16 – see for details, and note: the […]

WSSSPE1 workshop report

The WSSSPE1 workshop report has now been submitted to the JORS special issue to be assembled of extended WSSSPE1 papers.  A pre-print is available at   Dan (on behalf of all the report authors)

update on events

Hi, Just a quick update – posted to the WSSSPE site (, facebook group (, and mail list ( 1. The WSSSPE1 report is moving along – see  If you want to contribute, contact a section lead. 2.  The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation is in the progress of providing funding that will support three […]

Want to work on the WSSSPE1 report? wor...

A few announcements: 1. If you are interested in helping turn the WSSSPE google notes into a technical report, which will probably be submitted somewhere as a paper, please let Dan know. 2. NSF has an open program director position in ACI that’s focused on software – see for details. 3. We’re leaning towards […]

Workshop follow-up

To follow-up from the workshop, we’ve updated the wiki for the workshop to be more general – it includes the workshop material, but also will include other events, other material, a mailing list, and a wiki. The mailing list has now been created. If you are interested in joining, please go to To post […]