Travel Support

We anticipate securing funds to support participation in WSSSPE4. We are particularly interested in encouraging participation by US-based students, early-career researchers, and members of underrepresented groups, and by UK-based students, early career researchers/RSEs, and those from UK organisations without a large research software community to become a part of the WSSSPE community.  Priority will be given to those who:

  1. have responded to the WSSSPE4 call for participation
  2. have made previous contributions to WSSSPE associated activities
  3. can make a compelling case for how their participation will strengthen the overall workshop and/or positively impact their future research or educational activities

The initial deadline for travel support is July 10th. Depending on availability of funds, travel support requests may be accepted after this date.

Instructions for applying:

Please email a PDF document of no more than 2 pages to <> with “WSSSPE” in the subject line that includes

  • Your name, place of study/work, and position
  • Your potential contribution to the workshop, including your authorship of a submitted paper or talk, or intent to contribute in person to the workshop program on the WSSSPE4 page based on your knowledge and experience.
  • The potential of your attendance to contribute towards your own research, educational and professional goals. If you are a student please describe the degree you are pursuing.
  • The location from which you will be traveling to the meeting: Outside Europe, Europe outside the UK, or UK

Initial decisions on travel funds will be announced about August 2.  Decisions will be made by the WSSSPE4 Organizing Committee based on the ability of the applicants to meet the specified goals. If funds remain, applications submitted after the deadline will be also considered.  (As of 2 August, no funds remain and no further applications should be submitted.)


Due to an expected NSF award, WSSSPE4 can support the travel of US-based researchers. For US-based researchers traveling from outside Europe (e.g., the US), actual expenses up to a maximum of $1500 (including travel, hotel accommodation, and registration) will be covered. For US-based researchers traveling from Europe outside the UK, actual expenses up to a maximum of $1000 (including travel, hotel accommodation, and registration) will be covered.  And for US-based researchers traveling from within the UK, actual expenses up to a maximum of $500 (including travel, hotel accommodation, and registration) will be covered.

The Software Sustainability Institute is pleased to offer travel support to encourage UK-based researchers and research software engineers to attend WSSSPE4. Travel support of up to £400 to cover UK standard class travel, accommodation, and registration is available.

Detailed instructions will be provided to those awarded funds.


  • Alice Allen, Astrophysics Source Code Library
  • Wolfgang Bangerth, Colorado State University, USA
  • Roman Bauer, Newcastle University, UK
  • Steven Brandt, Louisiana State University, USA
  • Emily Chen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Bruce Childers, University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • Michael R. Crusoe, Common Workflow Language project
  • Stephan Druskat, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  • Anshu Dubey, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
  • Iain Emsley, Oxford University, UK
  • Christopher Gwilliams, Cardiff University, UK
  • Lorraine Hwang, University of California Davis, USA
  • Ray Idaszak, RENCI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • Xinlian Liu, Hood College, USA
  • Frank Löffler, Louisiana State University, USA
  • Tengyu Ma, Vanderbilt University, USA
  • Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University, USA
  • Jonah Miller, Perimeter Institute, Canada
  • Daniel Mosse, University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • Kyle E. Niemeyer, Oregon State University, USA
  • Santiago Núñez-Corrales, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Dominic Orchard, University of Kent, UK
  • Francisco Queiroz, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Jean Salac, University of Virginia, USA
  • Janos Sallai, Vanderbilt University, USA
  • Eric Seidel, University of California San Diego, USA
  • Prabhjyot Singh Saluja, Southwest Oklahoma State University, USA
  • Karan Shah, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Sameer Shende, University of Oregon, USA