WSSSPE3 now has funds available to support participation; we are particularly interested in encouraging participation by US-based and UK-based students, early-career researchers, and members of underrepresented groups. Requests are due by 26 August, and decisions will be announced around 31 August. Please see for more details
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Author: Daniel S. Katz
WSSSPE2 workshop report
The WSSSPE2 workshop report has now been submitted to the JORS special collection to be assembled of extended WSSSPE2 papers. A pre-print is available at Dan (on behalf of all the report authors)
First Call for Participation for WSSSPE3
The first Call for Participation for WSSSPE3 is now out (, with 4 actions: Save the dates for WSSSPE3: 28-29 September, 2015, Boulder, CO Suggest additional team actions – See what we have already listed on and please propose your ideas for additional team actions by email (with subject WSSSPE3) to by 8 July, 2015 […]
Save the Dates: WSSSPE2.1 & WSSSPE3
WSSSPE2.1 will be at SciPy in Austin on July 10, from 1:30 – 4:30. This was a lot of fun last year, with good discussions from existing projects in how they were working towards sustainability, and I think it will be good again this year. Matt Turk and I will be organizing the event. WSSSPE3 will be […]
WSSSPE2.1 & WSSSPE3 call for participati
WSSSPE2.1 will be at SciPy in Austin on July 10, from 1:30 – 4:30. This was a lot of fun last year, with good discussions from existing projects in how they were working towards sustainability, and I think it will be good again this year. Matt Turk and I will be organizing the event. WSSSPE3 […]
WSSSPE2 keynote and lightning talk slide...
Slides for WSSSSPE2 keynotes and lightning talks have been posted, on the agenda, keynotes, and lightning talks pages.
WSSSPE2 on Sunday!
WSSSPE2, the Second Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experience is coming up on Sunday (at the New Orleans Convention Center, rooms 275-277, 8:45 am – 5:30 pm), and we’re looking forward to seeing the WSSSPE community and friends there. If you are attending SC14 in New Orleans, and you will be there […]
second WSSSPE2 keynote and agenda update
We’re pleased to announce that Neil Chue Hong will be giving the 2nd WSSSPE2 keynote ( Also, we’ve now grouped the accepted papers ( into five themes: Exploring Sustainability Software Development Experiences Policy Reproducibility & Reuse & Sharing Code Testing & Code Review Each of these topics will be used to form breakout groups in […]
help needed in organizing WSSSPE2 breako...
Hi, As you have probably seen, we have 29 accepted papers for WSSSPE2 (, coming up in about a month at SC14 in New Orleans. We are planning a fairly interactive program, with lots of breakouts and discussions. For two of the sessions, we are trying to use the community of authors, PC members, and […]
First WSSSPE2 keynote set, and rough age...
The first WSSSPE2 keynote is set – Kaitlin Thaney from the Mozilla Science Foundation. We also have a rough agenda posted, and are working through a process to determine the topics of the breakouts in sessions 2 and 3, based on the contributed papers. If you are on the WSSSPE mailing list, you will soon […]