
WSSSPE3 has a registration fee of $100.  Please go to to register.

Hotel information

WSSSPE3 has rooms available at the Millenium Harvest House Hotel (1345 Twenty-Eighth Street, Boulder, CO, 80302) for nights between Sept 27 and Sept 30, at US$114/night.  The room block is available until September 14. If you are flying into Denver airport you should look into travel options to the hotel in Boulder in advance – please see below.

  • Web:  You can book on-line through the WSSSPE3 Room Block.  Please contact the hotel directly if you are booking outside of the group dates or if the requested dates are unavailable online.
  • E-Mail:  You may e-mail their reservation request to Please refer to group code: 1509WSSSPE.
  • Fax: You may fax their reservation request to (303) 442-3821. Please refer to group code: 1509WSSSPE.
  • Telephone: You may call the hotel toll free at (800) 545-6285. Please refer to group code: 1509WSSSPE.


WSSSPE3 will take place at the NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus in CG1 (3080 Center Green Dr, Boulder, CO, 80301).  The venue is about 1 hour driving from the Denver Airport, and about 2 miles from the hotel.

We are anticipating that participants will either walk or car pool between the hotel and the venue. If you have questions or concerns about accessibility options for transportation or generally at the workshop please contact Laura Owen (


Information that may be useful to attendees includes:

  • The workshop hotel in Boulder is around 45 miles from Denver airport, and attendees are advised to look into travel options in advance.  The UCAR transportation page gives information on both getting to Boulder from the Denver airport and getting around Boulder — for example seats on the Green Ride airport shuttle or Super Shuttle need to be booked in advance of arriving at the airport.
  •  The Boulder bike share has several stations within a few blocks of the hotel and there is one just outside the workshop venue (we’re told lots of people at conferences use the bikes to get around)
  • The Boulder transportation page lists a few other options including taxis