The Second Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2) will have two keynote presentations:
Kaitlin Thaney
Kaitlin Thaney
Director, Mozilla Science Lab
Title: Designing for Truth, Scale, and Sustainability (slides)
Abstract: Modern day research, for all of the successes reported in scholarly circles, is not operating at optimal speed. Now with more resources than ever in terms of compute power, access to information and hardware, we’re still facing friction in the system. What infrastructure is needed to facilitate more efficient and accessible research? What considerations are there for advancing scientific discovery in a sustainable fashion for research not only like the web but of the web? This talk will explore the system design and societal considerations associated with sustainable scientific discovery in a distributed, open fashion.

Neil Chue Hong
Neil Chue Hong
Director, Software Sustainability Institute
Title: We are the 92% (slides)
Abstract: In a recent survey of UK research-intensive universities, 92% of researchers said they used research software and 68% said their research would be impossible without software. Yet 71% have had no formal software training, and few are ready to apply many of the things we take for granted such as testing or virtualisation. WSSSPE represents the pinnacle of what we understand to be the best practice around scientific software in our community. My talk will challenge the workshop participants to come up with ways of taking this best practice to those 92% of researchers in a way that will lead to maximum benefit to the scientific community.
[…] Keynotes […]
[…] We’re pleased to announce that Neil Chue Hong will be giving the 2nd WSSSPE2 keynote ( […]