The First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE) will have two keynote presentations:
Phillip Bourne
Philip E. Bourne
Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Industrial Alliances, University of California, San Diego
Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego
Associate Director, RCSB Protein Data Bank
Adjunct Professor, Sanford Burnham Institute
Title: A Recipe for Sustainable Software
Abstract: From my experience as an academic software developer, professor, administrator and founder of software-based companies a recipe for sustainable software has a number of ingredients – a well defined scientific need, trust in the product, a community behind it, a reward scheme, and some semblance of a business model. How to obtain these ingredients and in what proportion will be discussed using examples of successes and failures viewed from the different stakeholders – software developers, software users and institutions supporting the enterprise.

Arfon Smith
Arfon Smith
Title: Scientific Software and the Open Collaborative Web
Abstract: Practices vary between scientific domains but all too often
the sharing of research software is done on an ad hoc basis between
individuals and with little thought about the wider community. With
code and computation routinely forming the backbone of many academic
endeavours we need to focus on publishing *all* of the products of our
research – papers, software, data and provenance. In this talk I will
highlight some promising examples from across academia and discuss how
software development in the sciences could benefit from the
collaboration norms of a modern open source project.
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