Track 1: “The state of the art in sustainable research software”
Track 2: “Towards a sustainable future for research software”


  • Report on the Fourth Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4). Daniel S. Katz, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Sandra Gesing, Lorraine Hwang, Wolfgang Bangerth, Simon Hettrick, Ray Idaszak, Jean Salac, Neil Chue Hong, Santiago Núñez Corrales, Alice Allen, R. Stuart Geiger, Jonah Miller, Emily Chen, Anshu Dubey, Patricia Lago.
Idea Papers
Position Papers
Experience Papers
Lightning Talks


  • Report on the Third Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE3). Daniel S. Katz, Sou-Cheng T. Choi, Kyle E. Niemeyer, James Hetherington, Frank Löffler, Dan Gunter, Ray Idaszak, Steven R. Brandt, Mark A. Miller, Sandra Gesing, Nick D. Jones, Nic Weber, Suresh Marru, Gabrielle Allen, Birgit Penzenstadler, Colin C. Venters, Ethan Davis, Lorraine Hwang, Ilian Todorov, Abani Patra, Miguel de Val-Borro.
  • Should scientific software be sustained? Matthew Turk, University of Illinois. slidesrecording
Lightning Talks


  • Report on the Second Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2). Daniel S. Katz, Sou-Cheng T. Choi, Nancy Wilkins-Diehr, Neil Chue Hong, Colin C. Venters, James Howison, Frank Seinstra, Matthew Jones, Karen Cranston, Thomas L. Clune, Miguel de Val-Borro, Richard Littauer.
  • Designing for Truth, Scale, and Sustainability. Kaitlin Thaney, Director, Mozilla Science Lab. slides
  • We are the 92%. Neil Chue Hong, Director, Software Sustainability Institute. slides
Exploring Sustainability
  • Defining Sustainability through Developers’ Eyes: Recommendations from an Interview Study. Mario Rosado de Souza, Robert Haines and Caroline Jay.
  • Community Recommendations for Sustainable Scientific Software. Robert Downs, W. Christopher Lenhardt, Erin Robinson, Ethan Davis and Nicholas Weber.
  • Role of Online Platforms, Communications and Workflows in Developing Sustainable Software for Science Communities. Abani Patra, Matthew Jones, Steven Gallo, Kyle Marcus and Tevfik Kosar.
  •  WSSSPE2: Patching It Up, Pulling It Forward. Marlon Pierce, Suresh Marru and Chris Mattmann.
  •  Seeking the Principles of Sustainable Software Engineering. Justin Shi.
  • The Nebuchadnezzar Effect: Dreaming of Sustainable Software through Sustainable Software Architectures. Colin C. Venters, Michael K. Griffiths, Violeta Holmes, Rupert R. Ward and David J. Cooke.
Software Development Experiences
  •  Landlab: Sustainable Software Development in Practice. Jordan Adams, Sai Nudurupati, Nicole Gasparini, Daniel Hobley, Eric Hutton, Gregory Tucker and Erkan Istanbulluoglu.
  •  Looking before leaping: Creating a software registry. Alice Allen and Judy Schmidt.
  • Building software, building community: lessons from the ROpenSci project. Carl Boettiger, Ted Hart, Scott Chamberlain and Karthik Ram.
  • Channeling community contributions to scientific software: a hackathon experience. Michael R. Crusoe and C.Titus Brown.
  • No Science Software is an Island: Collaborative Software Development Needs in Geosciences. Yolanda Gil, Eunyoung Moon and James Howison.
  • The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF): A Foundation for Sustainable Data and Software. Ted Habermann, Andrew Collette, Steve Vincena, Werner Benger, Jay Jay Billings, Matt Gerring, Konrad Hinsen, Pierre de Buyl, Mark Könnecke, Filipe Rnc Maia and Suren Byna.
  • Sustainable Software Ecosystems: Software Engineers, Domain Scientists, and Engineers Collaborating for Science. Marcus Hanwell, Patrick O’Leary and Bob O’Bara.
  • Building Sustainable Software – The CSDMS Approach. Eric Hutton, Mark Piper, Irina Overeem, Albert Kettner and James Syvitski.
  •  ISEES-­‐WSSI Lessons for Sustainable Science Software from an Early Career Training Institute on Open Science Synthesis. W. Christopher Lenhardt, Stanley Ahalt, Matt Jones, J. Aukema, S. Hampton, S. R. Hespanh, R. Idaszak and M. Schildhauer.
  • Which Sustainable Software Practices Do Scientists Find Most Useful? Jory Schossau and Greg Wilson.
  • The Highly Accurate N-DEterminant (HANDE) quantum Monte Carlo project: Open-source stochastic diagonalisation for quantum chemistry. James S. Spencer, Nicholas S. Blunt, William A. Vigor, Fionn D. Malone, W. M. C. Foulkes, James J. Shepherd and Alex J. W. Thom.
Credit & Incentives
Reproducibility & Reuse & Sharing
Code Testing & Code Review
Lightning Talks


  • Summary of the First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE1). Daniel S. Katz, Sou-Cheng T. Choi, Hilmar Lapp, Ketan Maheshwari, Frank Löffler, Matthew Turk, Marcus D. Hanwell, Nancy Wilkins-Diehr, James Hetherington, James Howison, Shel Swenson, Gabrielle D. Allen, Anne C. Elster, Bruce Berriman, Colin Venters.
  • A Recipe for Sustainable Software. Philip E. Bourne, Associate Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Industrial Alliances, University of California, San Diego | Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego | Associate Director, RCSB Protein Data Bank | Adjunct Professor, Sanford Burnham Institute.
  • Scientific Software and the Open Collaborative Web. Arfon Smith, Github.
Developing and Supporting Software | Development Experiences
Developing and Supporting Software | Development, Support, and Maintenance of Existing Software
  • SimGrid: a Sustained Effort for the Versatile Simulation of Large Scale Distributed Systems. Henri Casanova, Arnaud Giersch, Arnaud Legrand, Martin Quinson, Frédéric Suter.
  • The Big Effects of Short-term Efforts: A Catalyst for Community Engagement in Scientific Software. Erik Trainer, Chalalai Chaihirunkarn, James Herbsleb.
  • Simplifying the Development, Use and Sustainability of HPC Software. Jeremy Cohen, Chris Cantwell, Neil Chue Hong, David Moxey, Malcolm Illingworth, Andrew Turner, John Darlington, Spencer Sherwin.
  • Towards Semi-Automatic Deployment of Scientific and Engineering Applications. Jaroslaw Slawinski, Vaidy Sunderam.
Developing and Supporting Software | Best Practices, Challenges, and Recommendations
  • Ten Simple Rules for the Open Development of Scientific Software. Andreas Prlić, James B. Procter.
  • Software Abstractions and Methodologies for HPC Simulation Codes on Future Architectures. Anshu Dubey, S. Brandt, R. Brower, M. Giles, P. Hovland, D. Q. Lamb, F. Löffler, B. Norris, B. O’Shea, C. Rebbi, M. Snir, R. Thakur.   
  • Software Engineering Need Not Be Difficult. Jeffrey Carver, George K. Thiruvathukal.
  • Initial Findings from a Study of Best Practices and Models for Cyberinfrastructure Software Sustainability. Craig A. Stewart, Julie Wernert, Eric A. Wernert, William K. Barnett, Von Welch.
  • Run-time extensibility: anything less is unsustainable. Jed Brown, Matthew Knepley, Barry Smith.
  • Sustainable Software Development for Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS) Bioinformatics on Emerging Platforms. Shel Swenson, Yogesh Simmhan, Viktor Prasanna, Manish Parashar, Jason Riedy, David Bader, Richard Vuduc.
Policy | Modeling Sustainability
Policy | Credit, Citation, Impact
Policy | Credit, Citation, Impact | To also be discussed
Policy | Reproducibility
Policy | Implementing Policy
Communities| Communities
Communities| Communities | To also be discussed
Communities| Industry & Economic Models
Communities| Industry & Economic Models | To also be discussed
Communities | Education & Training
Communities | Education & Training |  To also be discussed