
The registration fee for WSSSPE5.1 is £50. Please register online at the Eventbrite page for WSSSPE5.1.


Date: 6 September 2017 (immediately preceding 2nd Conference of Research Software Engineers)

Location: School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Rooms: Plenary sessions will be held in the IT Building (Building 40 on the campus map) in room IT.407 (floor plan, enter via the Kilburn Building (39)). Part of the group sessions will be held in the Kilburn Building (Building 39 on the campus map) in the Collab 1 room (LF39, floor plan).

An accessibility map for the venue is available at DisabledGo.

How to get there

The University of Manchester provides information on how to make your way to and around the university.

Local Information

WSSSPE would like to make meetings accessible and inclusive for all. If you have particular needs or concerns, for example around accessibility (DisabledGo provide an accessibility map) or dietary requirements, please contact Shoaib Sufi at


The 2nd Conference of Research Software Engineers, starting the day after WSSSPE5.1, also in Manchester, offers a list of hotels, with distances from their venue.

The distance between the RSE Conference venue and the WSSSPE5.1 venue is 1.2 miles (1.9 km), so if you are attending both events, a hotel in the middle such as the Premier Inn might be a good choice.